Thursday, April 7, 2016

I bet no one follows me anymore...

It's been a year since I started with P90X3. I actually gained weight from that program. Not happy with that, but then I found out why I might not have lost weight...

I got pregnant! Yayyy!!!

We had been trying-ish to have another baby. It was more of a "yeah, okay, we should have another kid now" not a "omg I'm ovulating at exactly this time, you have to take the day off and your mom needs to watch the toddler so we can do it like rabbits, scientifically, to achieve conception!!!!"

in fact, we did nothing. ...okay, I held my legs in the air once, just as a joke... it worked?

I danced when the second line showed up on that pee stick! I was sooooo excited!   ...yet... I had just finished my first 90 days for the P90stuff, and I was a month in to another round when we found out we were pregnant again. And then I slept the summer away, because building a baby is TIRING!

And I had already started weaning my daughter, she was down to about 2 feeds a day from my boobs. She was completely weaned by the next week... which, I miss. I miss breastfeeding my daughter. But at the time, ohhhhh... I was SO DONE! I started to feel disgusting every time she nursed, I kept praying that she would hurry up her feed. So I began replacing her feeds with cups of cow's milk... ugh. But, it took about 6 months to be fully weaned... and our last couple of sessions were beautiful. (Actually, I think I remember the last one being horrible.) A Saturday night when my husband had friends over, I curled up in our bed with our daughter and snuggled her and fed her. And we were happy. I wish I'd had a picture.

Being pregnant in the fall... I would sit naked in the living room cuz my skin was just DONE with clothing. And my daughter would come up to me and try to nurse... she'd grab my boob like a hamburger and open her mouth in a wide smile and look at me like she was playing... and then I'd cover up my boobs lol.

The new baby was born at the beginning of February, just barely a year after starting P90X3. My son nurses like a champ, and I don't hate nursing right now... aside from his horrible latch (lip and tongue ties) and my engorgement... I've been tempted a couple of times to pop a boob in my daughter's mouth, too. We had an incident where she got a hold of a razor (a safety one you shave your legs with, right?) and tried shaving her leg like momma does... but she cut a hunk of her finger half-way off and sliced her knee up a little bit. (The finger was just the fatty part of her finger, just below a knuckle on the palm-side. Like she'd grasped the razor's head first and then turned it to "shave") stomach is turning just thinking about it. I was so upset, she was hurting and it was kind of my fault, and she was bleeding and crying and all I wanted to do was boob her and hold her. But daddy was holding her and tried to stop the bleeding... I got a stiptick pen out (ouch, yeah) and that helped a lot, but it hurt her more. ... She's fully healed now, her finger has a little pink spot on it where the cut was. And she still calls it a boo-boo.

Anyway, enough of this chit-chat... I've been doing some "light" yoga, and I think I'll keep up with that to rebuild my strength and hopefully lose some weight. I think I'm about 210 right now.

This house is going to be eating a lot healthier too... doesn't help, though, that my husband just came home with Doritos ... light snacks, right?

We need to eat more veggies!! WOO!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Anxiety and swearing

This is fucking ridiculous.

Every single time I try to leave the house, I have to change fourteen fucking times. I can't wear jeans. I can't wear tight tee shirts that show off my curves. I can't wear socks most days. I end up looking super frumpy. I can't wear bras with underwire to hold up my boobs. I can't wear regular tee shirts because they're too tight. I can't look nice when I go to church. And that's bullshit.

The BRAND SPANKING NEW jeans I own don't fit right. The legs are too tight and the waist is too high. I tried them on in the store. They were awesome. Tell me, American clothing designers, in what insane world is it right for you to decide that high waist jeans are great for women with a tummy? It creates that much-avoided muffin top for any woman who is willing to squeeze into this shit. And then you give us shit for having a roll or two fall out of our jeans. What the fuck is wrong with you? Not only is the muffin top gross to look at, it's fucking painful, too. For any woman who has some left over skin from carrying a child for 40+ weeks (or any weeks, for that matter) it fucking HURTS to have a two inch band of inyeilding denim shoved into your midsection with every turn. Forget sitting down. I want jeans that sit at my hips. AT MY HIPS. With a stretchy waist band. That make my ass look amazing, thus making me feel like a million bucks. Fuck you, I'll make them myself.

Bra makers: Sister sizes are bull shit. There is more that goes into the right fit of a supportive bra than cup size and band size, too. Some women's boobs are closer together than others, this the "bridge" needs to be narrower. My breasts, in particular, carry most of their mass throughout the breast, not spread out over my chest. A large cup doesn't always mean a wide frame. Nor does FF mean that I need a size 82 band. Fuck you. I'll buy my bras from Sweden. Assholes. I've read a few studies that say I don't really NEED the support anyway.

People who see me wearing yoga pants and flip flops ANYWHERE: Accept it. Take off your jeans that give you that uncomfortable wedgie and join me in the revolution.

Teenagers gawking at me at church/beach/grocery store: Close your mouth. This body built a baby. This body can also whoop your ass and your momma's too. This body also belongs to a model and paid musician. This body is a temple to the Lord. Your comments and thoughts are synonymous with burning down a church. Get your head and heart right.

To the family members that called me fat and ugly all my life: fuck you. Just. FUCK. YOU.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Week 8 of P90X3

If you didn't read the title, why are you here?

I'm now going to start week 8 of P90X3. I think I've actually gained weight since starting this program in February, the scale says I'm at 200 pounds. It's not exactly encouraging... but I'm going to stick with the program because I'm seeing results!

My booty is a lot firmer and more defined. My legs don't have as many "fat lumps" and my arms are a bit more toned. I have a line running from the front of my bra band down to my belly button, and it's not linea negra! My mommy tummy is getting smaller and I can feel my ab muscles when I flex. My bras are looser in the band and they're starting to stab me in the worst places -- not exactly the best result of working out, but hey. I've been living in sports bras anyway, I'm starting to think that underwires are meant to kill us.

My feet!!! Oh my gosh, my feet. I've been going through this program barefoot. Yes. Completely barefoot. Tony's been saying "you need good court shoes," sorry, bud, I can't afford to get new shoes right now. The plus side? My feet look awesome! My ankles aren't swollen and I think my arches are getting stronger. My feet are starting to look like the "three hour a day yoga" guy's feet. I know, I know, it's kind of dangerous. But I've been very careful with my landings when I'm jumping and I work out on a 5mm yoga mat every day.

I have to go now, my daughter's head is spinning because she's bored with Daddy and this is the second blog I've updated today.

I got glitter star stickers to put on my X3 calendar to keep myself motivated. Yay!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Well, here we are again. I'm back on the fit-wagon. Honestly, I'm just so sick of not fitting into my clothes! Our budget isn't expansive enough to fund a rewardrobe right now, anyway. So, time to lose some weight.

I've been working with P90X3 for about a month now, and I love it. I love that it's 30 minutes a day! I've had trouble with hour long workouts in the past. An hour is only about 4% of your day. But fitting in that hour during my daughter's nap, while also trying to get lunch made, doing laundry and otherwise cleaning the home into that two to three hour period can be quite daunting. This half hour workout gives me no excuse to put it off.

"But, Patty, why don't you go to the gym?" ... hmmm... well, we already said that I can't afford to get more clothes. $8/two weeks, you say? Still not worth it. I have to find a babysitter, get my car fixed enough to drive to the gym, find gym clothes THAT FIT ... to feel embarrassed because I'm not built like the other gals at the gym running on their elliptical machines. I don't like running. I hate it. I can't breathe outside anyway. I don't know how to use all of those weight machines. It's likely I can't get into a yoga class during the day. I don't want to be spending time away from my house when my husband is home, either.

Why am I trying to justify P90X3 to y'all?

Hmmm... maybe I'm trying to sell you on it, too?  It's really no fun going through this program alone. Well, it's fun, but it would be better if you joined me!

"BUT PATTY!! It's P90X3!! That must mean that it's really crazy intense like P90X and Power90!!!"

It's more intense. Honest.

But that's why it works. High intensity training, thirty minutes a day. Then you can sit on the couch.

Do you remember that saying? Improvement, weight loss, sports, etc is "90% mental, 20% physical??" ... while "their" math is a little off, their psychology is dead-on. This mental block against an hour of intense work is keeping you (and me) on the couch and in cookie pants. (See Scrubs, Season 8)

I can do a half hour! I can do thirty minutes of yoga. I can do 30 minutes of cardio. You can do one half hour of yoga a week. Pfft, the yoga routine is a piece of cake, I might start doing that one twice a week.

And I'm seeing results!! My husband is seeing results from my work! I feel better! My tummy is flatter, my arms are more toned, I don't strain my back when I pick up my daughter! And I'm only on Day 24 of 90!!!

Tony Horton is crazy. He's loud and obnoxious and hilarious and snotty. After being away from the workouts for almost two years, his coaching was awesome to return to. In every one of his workouts, from Power 90 and beyond, he stresses that "you can press the pause button at any time." Can't do every push up along with the people in the videos? Do what you can. I can't do a Crow pose to save my life. I can hang out in plank while the kids are floating along in their headstands, and it's still hard work. I'll build up to Crow pose. My tree pose makes Horton himself look like a scarecrow in a tornado.

Anyway, please, please, please join me in this endeavor. I think we'll have a greater success rate with more support and accountability. That's why trainers make the big bucks, right?

Tree pose for days, folks, for days...

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wow, it's been a couple years!

Dear Patty,
Get off the computer. Go on, unplug. Pick up that hoop. You know, the one with the yarn you so lovingly crocheted on to it. Now move those hips! Your knee doesn't hurt today, and the baby's asleep, you have no excuse. Besides, IT'S FUN!!

Hoop for twenty minutes, ten minutes each way, then do some yoga, be sure to stretch out your back and calves...


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

scales are evil

I gained five pounds.

But lost an inch on my waist.

And went down a belt hole.

figure that one out.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I've probably used this title before...

So it's day 4 of 6 (maybe I'll add a week) for Cardio X. I think my tummy is a little less of what it used to be.

And I can fit into my next-size down jeans!! Size 15!! I'm making obvious progress!! AND THEY'RE LOOSE!!!